Service Scoop : Waxing

February 9, 2023

First, is waxing right for you? 

If you are using or experiencing the following, you may need to wait for waxing:

  • Retinol, Retin-a, Adapalene, Alustra, Avage, Differin, Isotretinoin, Renova, Tazarac, or Tazarotene, Treinoin in the area to be treated (stop using these for a minimum of 3 days; the recommendation is 5-7 days before hair removal). 
  • Salicylic acid, bleaching agents, or Alpha Hydroxy Acids (Glycolic, Lactic, Mandelic acids) (stop using these 2-3 days before hair removal). 
  • Have a sunburn, irritated skin, or had a chemical peel or microdermabrasion? Wait until your skin is healed and no longer pink.
  • I had a laser skin resurfacing service within the past 6 months. 
  • Accutane: You must be off of this medication for at least 6 months prior to any waxing.

Tips for making your experience as smooth (pun intended) as possible 

Second, prep the skin: Gently exfoliate the skin a day or two before your service, as well as in between services (2–3 times a week). For body waxing, a gentle scrub or these exfoliating gloves found online or in most stores are great to keep in the shower. For facial waxing, less exfoliation is recommended because the skin can be more sensitive in that area. Please make sure you’ve checked your skincare products and the ingredients above to avoid any sensitivities post-waxing. Also, keep your skin moisturized during the days leading up to your appointment to help the hair release more easily. We recommend a simple, unscented oil like this jojoba oil for your body and continue your regular moisturizer for your face. 

Third, very important post-care! Keep the area clean. Removing the hair leaves the hair follicle vulnerable to infection, so make sure to cleanse (not heavily scented soap is best for sensitive skin) regularly over the next few days. Avoid tight-fitting clothing; breathable cotton underwear is best for bikini and Brazilian clients. If you are inclined to ingrowns or infection, bringing a fresh garment with you to wear afterward can help. 

Avoid extremely hot baths or showers, gym/exercise, sunbathing or sun beds, saunas, or steam rooms for the next 24-48 hours. Activities that cause sweat, since bacteria brought on by sweat can increase the chances of infection and irritation,. 

In the first 48 hours, try to avoid touching the area, especially with dirty hands. 

For intimate area waxing, sexual activities are not recommended within the first day or so since friction can be irritating. 

Post-care products can make a world of difference! Not only do they help keep the area moisturized, but they can also help keep the area clean. Ask your esthetician which one is right for you. 


How long does the hair need to be?
  • At least about a quarter of an inch, or about the length of a grain of rice. That is typically about two weeks of not shaving. 
What if I am on my period?
  • You are absolutely able to receive waxing, though keep in mind that you may experience a little more sensitivity and discomfort. We recommend scheduling 2-3 days after your period. If you get your period when you are already scheduled, we prefer you keep your appointment. Taking ibuprofen and staying hydrated will help with the sensitivity.
Is there anything I can do to help it hurt less? 
  • Some clients find that taking ibuprofen beforehand helps. Once you’ve started waxing, staying on schedule with your appointments can help to lessen the pain. Also, make sure to be hydrated and avoid highly caffeinated beverages for an hour or so before you come in.
How long does it last? 
  • In the beginning, you may experience more growth and random hairs popping up in the 1-2 weeks after your appointment than you would after waxing for a few months. This is because the hair grows in cycles, and after we have pulled a hair up, there is one waiting underneath. But if you keep up with your appointments, you can experience around 2 weeks free of hair with 1-2 weeks of some random hairs beginning to pop up and then proceeding to reach ¼ inch (bikini area). Most people are ready to wax again at about 4 weeks for bikinis, 5 weeks for the back, around 3–4 weeks for legs and underarms, and 2–5 weeks for facial hair. Of course, these are generalizations or estimates because everyone's hair growth is unique! 
What if I have a reaction? 
  • Sometimes clients experience bumps, pustules, histamine reactions, or allergic reactions. Some of this can be avoided with proper technique and pre- and post-care. Things like histamine or allergic reactions cannot always be prevented, though if you experience this, please take an antihistamine medication as you would for any other reaction. Feel free to call the spa with any questions or concerns!
How do I prevent ingrown hairs? 
  • Following at-home pre- and post-care will prevent most ingrown hairs. If you do end up with ingrowns, using a spot treatment that we carry as needed will help it heal. Not picking at it will help; you may get the hair out, but you may also cause discoloration, infection, scarring, etc.